05 February 2010

February 5, 2010

A rough couple of weeks. My schedule at school is killer;along with my schedule at work. Matt and I are kind of looking for a place too. I got a new kitty though. His name is Buu. (: He's the cutest little thing. I finally quit smoking! I am the proudest I think I've ever been of myself. Okay maybe not ever but in a while. Haha. Things are changing. I can feel it. Ryan and Erik are close to being deployed to Haiti. Not afganistan but it still scares the living shit out of me. Matt is probably going to AIT early which means another two or three months of falling asleep missing him and waking up without him. It's hard but I know we'll be okay. I just wish it didn't suck so bad sometimes. My schedule this semester has me running circles around myself already. Clinical Internship, Psychology, Combined Studies, and Pre-Cal. I swear I might die before it's all over. Work is alright. There's a new GM that noone can stand but it's all good. Gah. I still miss grandma so much. We found her pillows. It pretty much made my entire day. Not too much has happened so there's not much to write about;but I do have an eight hour shift waiting for me tomorrow starting at ten am so I'm going to get ready for some sleep. (: I'll write again eventually.

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