22 July 2010

July 22, 2010

Hm. I find that today, for the first time in what seems like forever, I woke up happy. Not just in a good mood, but actually happy. I'd forgotten what it feels like. Derek keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. I keep waiting for that to change. I'm going to be an assistant manager at work. More headaches. Lol. But I'll be making 6.50 plus tips&that's always good. Senior year is only twenty days away. My birthday is only seventeen days away. I still can't believe I'm about to be eighteen. It doesn't seem that way. Things are changing quickly. All of us are planning to go to florida for christmas break-it's our last year together and we wanna do something big. After this all we'll have is holidays. I'm excited and anxious. So many different things at once. I know that I can't wait though. I also know that Derek makes me smile. He makes me laugh again. It's different. Matt comes home in a week. I'm hoping we'll be able to salvage our friendship. I do miss him. But anyways;long day ahead. Work later. I'll write again soon. (:

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