11 March 2011

March 11, 2011

Alright, I'm going to start by posting this link. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Supreme_Court/westboro-baptist-church-quadruple-military-funeral-protests-supreme/story?id=13039045

Let me just start by saying that these soldiers, these "punishments for a screwed up America" are the ONLY reason you are given the first amendment right to freedom of speech. You're not speaking your God's word. You know nothing of this God. Your hatred is one hundred percent human. Your spite comes from YOURS, not God's heart and you are no better than the people who are killing our brothers, sons, fathers, sisters, and mothers. You don't deserve the rights of the constitution when you abuse them the way you are. Wars have been fought since before homosexuality was an issue. Wars have been fought and soldiers have died way before today's world. Your scenario does not fit. And since you obviously don't know the God you say you represent, I can honestly say that if he is as spiteful and unforgiving as you, I'm glad that I don't know him. The God I choose to believe in HONORS our fallen. He does not punish out of hate and anger. He loves EVERYONE, even homosexuals. God is not interested in dealing emotional stress to people. You are extremely arrogant in assuming you are the mouth of god. Let me ask you something; How much do you get paid to be the "mouth of God" ? I bet it's a lot more than you deserve. You get paid to walk around and talk about hate and hell and being punished while people like Abigail Moore, a United States Marine, are willing to give up EVERYTHING of monetary value to go and teach God's love to underprivileged countries. Again, you know NOTHING of the word of god. You are no better than the soldiers who died on Afgan soil. You are not above them because you stay in the safety of America and picket their funerals. As a matter of fact, you are BELOW them. To hold up a sign to a fallen soldier that reads "GOD HATES YOU" is completely lacking in morals. You, sir, and your entire church are what make humanities destruction imminent.

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