I just saw this yesterday, and I felt the need to write on it. "How come Christians who fight to ban gay marriage legally, don't fight just as hard for anti-divorce laws?" My opinion, which is subject to fallibility because I AM human, is this. I don't think this statement was meant AGAINST gays at all. The person that wrote this was addressing other "Christians." He was stating that these people who fight to protect the sanctity of marriage aren't protecting it at all. Even within heterosexuality, there are MANY people not protecting our covenant with God. Divorce is a bigger problem is this world than homosexuality, but some of these "Christians" do not want to address that issue. THAT is what his statement was pointing out.
Sin is sin. No one sin is greater than the other. That is CLEARLY stated in the bible. It isn't an opinion. It is God saying that in His eyes, and His are the only ones that matter in the end, a lie is the same as murder. Lust is the same as adultery. Homosexuality is a sin. The word used to describe it in the bible is "detestable". The act of homosexuality, in God's eyes, is detestable. That being said, though not CLEARLY stated in exact words, the Bible also says that divorce is a sin. "Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man separate." That's black and white. God joins us in marriage. It is not our prerogative to tear apart what He Himself has decreed to be "one". It may not clearly say "hey, humans, just for your information, divorce is sinful.", but it is extremely clear where our Father stands on the issue. The Bible isn't an opinion. It doesn't say "It's up to you to interpret what is wrong and what isn't." Those things are in black and white. The law, as seen in God's eyes, is laid down right there. It isn't up for debate. We don't pick and choose what parts we want to follow and what parts we don't. They are all the same to Him. They are all detestable. That being said, we are ALL sinners. Not one of us on this planet has clean hands. We have all told a lie. We have all lusted after someone. We have all reveled in sin at one point or another. There is no justification in it, but it is the sad truth. There is no way to become clean but through Him. That is what separates the saved from the not. His blood continually cleanses us. Notice the word. Cleanses. To be clean is very different from being sterile. Sterility is something that has not yet been contaminated. Jesus, in a sense, could be considered sterile. The definition of "cleanse" is "to become clean". Something that is cleansed has already been contaminated. The dirt and the filth have been wiped away, maybe sanitized. It looks a whole lot better, even smells better. But something that was once contaminated and has been cleaned is not considered sterile. He cleanses us. He doesn't make us sterile. We are still contaminated with the urge to sin. We are still contaminated with human wants, desires, and actions. We are all subject to mistakes. That is why his blood continually cleanses-because we continually sin. Even the saved. His love is our saving grace. His mercy is what cleanses us. That isn't to say that since we are all sinners, that our mistakes are excusable and thanks to his grace, we can continue to masquerade as Christians while willfully and purposefully sinning. His love saves us. And just like in a relationship, when we come into contact with a love THAT strong, and we make it our priority to show how thankful we are for said love, our actions begin to change. Loving Him, and knowing His love for us will change a person. For a long time-close to eight years-I did not step foot into a church because of the hypocrisy of some establishments and some people. Because of human mistakes, I saw God as something other than who He is. Through the love that I share with my husband, I have been able to better see who God REALLY is-Don't you see that THIS is the point of our human relationships? To better see Him. He knew that our limited understandings could not grasp his exponential love for us. So he allows us a glimpse of it in our relationships with others. I would do anything for the people I love-some people phrase it as "I would take a bullet for them." Unfortunately, some things are just not within my ability. So when I think about that, I think about how much my ability to love is multiplied when it comes to His ability to love, and I realize that nothing is outside of his reach-He DID do whatever it took to convince us of His love-even sacrificing His own life. Through Him, and only Him, are we made new. And with that, comes a responsibility to love other people the same way He has shown us love. We say that some people don't deserve love-neither do we. But He gave it anyways. So should we. There is a big difference in judging another with condemnation in our eyes, and judging another with love-and THAT is where I feel like a lot of Christians have trouble. It is hard to walk that line. God DOES judge. He doesn't do it for condemnation purposes. He does it out of love. We should do the same. There is no one but Him holier than anyone. So remember when you point, that it opens you up to be pointed at as well. And that's okay. I do not get upset with my friends and family for pointing out that there is a smudge on my face, or that something is stuck in my teeth-and why should I? They are being helpful and pointing out what is so obviously out of place. So why, then are we so quick to point out a flaw in someone else's character, but refuse to see the flaws in our own. THAT is the difference between judging with condemnation and judging with love. He judges with love. So should we. Hate the sin, love the sinner. It is okay to tell someone, "Hey, friend. I love you, but I feel like what you are doing is wrong. I'm not going to try to curb your rights as a person. I'm not going to force you to submit to Him. I'm letting you know where He stands, therefore where I stand, and only you can make your decision. I'm going to love you anyways. I'm here." That's what He does. He doesn't force us to submit to Him. He tells us where He stands. He demonstrates His love. And He allows us to take part in that relationship if we so choose. The problem today is that so many people see God as a ruler in a heiarchy-and that blinds them. Pride hears the word "submit" and it immediately starts shaking it's head and repetitively saying "no". Yes, He is our king. But he is also our Father, our Abba, our Yahweh. We treat our parents with respect, love, and reverence. He is THE parent. The Father. We are his children. The difference is that when a parent says "no" or "not now", they are doing what they FEEL is right for us. God is doing what He KNOWS is right. People praise their parents every day. Why can't we praise Him? Children submit to parents-why can't we submit to the ultimate Father? I got off my main point for writing this-but I think it all ties in. When we learn to love like Him, we learn to see people the way He does. We learn how to step back and let God be God. We learn the difference between condemning and loving. We learn.
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