13 April 2010

April 13, 2010

Hm. I go to meps tomorrow. I'm taking my asvab and getting my physical. Next month is the swearing in process.
I'm anxious excited/nervous. I don't really know what to feel.
I know that in general, I feel a lot of fed up lately.
Pretty much been a screw everything week.
It'll get better though. I'm waiting on that silver lining to jump out at me.
I can't say that I haven't laughed this week though. I've laughed plenty. That's always a good thing.
A friend of mine got hit by a car&&died Thursday night. It was the 8th. I want that documented.
He was only 16&&he deserved to live.
That just strengthens my belief that there is no god.
No god would have caused something like that. No god would have made two 16 year old boys hold their best friend's head while he died in the middle of the road.
Enough about that though. Where ever you are, Brad Hillard, I hope you rest in peace. You touched a lot of people in your sixteen years&&nobody will ever forget you.
On to other things. Uh.
Well volleyball's coming up again soon. I miss it.
I'm getting married in approximately a year. Chyeaaaah. Never thought I'd ever say that.
Surprise. Haha.
I'm finally saving money. It makes me pretty damn proud.
There's not much more going on.
I'll be a senior in another two months.
Hell to the motherfucking yeah.
I absolutely can't wait to finish high school. I'm fed up with it.
Ryan says I'm too mature for my age.
I highly doubt that.
I just don't like bullshit.
I feel old though. I work 40 hours a week now&&school takes up about 35 hours.
I rarely have any time to myself.
I don't know what to think about much of anything lately. I'm just making it through day by day.
Maybe that's all we can ask for though, ya know?
Ah well. I should get me some food before bed.
I'll write again eventually.

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