22 October 2009

October 22, 2009

10.21.09. 10:59pm

RIP Barbera Monnett.

Grandma, you were an amazing person. You taught me when to stand up for myself and when to keep my mouth closed. I can't believe you've been taken so soon, but I'm so glad you're not in pain anymore. You fought so long and I know you didn't give up. You were the worlds greatest grandma. I wish I would've told you more how much you mean to me and how much you've made a difference in my life. You were so strong, everyday of your life. You always went against the odds. I can't explain how I'm feeling without you right now, but it helps to know you're at peace. You're always in my heart and I won't do anything without thinking of you. I love you so much&I'm going to miss you.

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