09 October 2009

October 9, 2009

Today was pretty busy, but I couldn't be happier for Tommy and Paige. I can't wait to see them get married tomorrow. She's currently asleep on my couch with her sister(she's been really worn out the past couple of days.) And I'm fixing to head to bed myself. I got my nails done today. The lady that did them is amazing. I've never had them done this well before. I actually have girl hands! Haha. Most of the time I'm too busy to even take care of my hands. The rehearsal dinner went well. The church is really small, but nice. I felt a little uncomfortable there being that I'm athiest but it was alright. Tomorrow I'm waking up at eight to make sure Paige is up, sending her off to her mani/pedi appointment at nine, heading over to pick up Ashlei and then Nicole, and then going to get my hair done around eleven. Then it's Nicole's hair as soon as mine is finished. We're meeting around two to do make-up. Pictures at the church at four and then the wedding at six. After that is the reception and after the reception is my friend's birthday party. So tomorrow's going to be interesting. Speaking of which, I should get some sleep. :D

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