06 October 2009

October 6, 2009

Yesterday I had a game and was way too tired to use the computer. So I'll just ramble for today. :] Well, yesterday I woke up in a pretty sour mood because I jammed my thumb Sunday afternoon and it took me 25 minutes longer than usual to get ready for school. But as the day went on, it got better. Matt's been amazing and yesterday I realized that even after two years, we're still in love. That's an amazing feeling&&I hope it never goes away. We had a game at Cherokee where we kicked ass. It was our last home game&&I think we did amazing. Came home and watched an episode of One Tree Hill with Matt, and then fell asleep watching Hotel For Dogs. Woke up today in a reasonably better mood. School was alright. I went to a college fair this morning and it gave me a lot of new schools to consider. Preferably I'd like a smaller school with close to a 16:1 student to teacher ratio. I want more one on one time because I'll feel more comfortable in that learning environment. Practice was alright;;Holly is an amazing coach. I'm really going to miss her next year. Came home and ate dinner and went to my dad's to discuss college with him. He gave me a few more choices and told me to keep my options open. I'm glad I have the kind of relationship with him that I do. He's one of my closest friends. Now I'm just relaxing and hoping my thumb heals. I know my postings so far have seemed like everything's perfect. It's not, but I'm learning that happy is a great place to be. Even if today sucks and nothing goes right, I've got so many things to look at and be thankful for. I'm a lucky person. Tomorrow I have school and practice until five thirty and then my grandma's birthday. She's a strong woman and I'm glad that I've gotten to know her all these years. She's survived so much, from cancer to diabetes. She's just amazing. I'm glad she's still here. Thursday is our last home game. We play Morristown East. It's going to be beyond difficult but I believe we're a better team than we started out as. We'll do great. Friday is a nail appointment and a rehearsal dinner. :D And then Saturday two of my very best friends are choosing to say their wedding vows. I think they'll be an amazing husband and wife. They're both amazing people. He's a marine and she's in college. They've made such a difference in my life and they've been there for me and Matt both when we were having problems. I can't wait to see them start their life together. It shows me that real love is out there and possible. High school relationships can work. They do every day. I'm blessed to have all of this. I'm blessed for my family, who at times isn't whole, but is everything I could need. A mom and a dad don't make a family even though it's a nice idea. For me it's a brother and an amazing father who back me in every decision and are there regardless of bad choices. I love them. I'm bless to have Matt. He's more than I could ever put into words. Two years and counting. He makes me happier every day. My friends, too are more than I can put into words. I don't think our group could ever stray far from each other. We've all come so far together and apart. Everything, for me, is right here, within me and within these people.

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